Excellence in Anesthesia CME, Presented at Some of the World's Finest Resorts

Aspen Anesthesia Seminar

February 1 - 8, 2025 at the Viceroy Snowmass Resort


Lecture Schedule

Saturday, February 1 Optional Travel Day
Sunday, February 2  
4:30-6:00 PM                   Welcome Reception for Attendee and Spouse/Guest
Monday, February 3  
7:00 AM   Dr. Wolpaw Finding Your Inner Intensivist: The Hemodynamic Management of the ICU Patient Coming to the OR
8:00 AM Dr. Tsen Dural Puncture Epidural Technique: the Optimal Labor Analgesia?
4:30 PM Dr. Hepner Perioperative Management of Cardiac Stent Patients
5:30 PM Dr. Kudchadkar Emergence Agitation in Children: What's New?
6:30 PM Panel Discussion Drs. Tsen, Hepner, Kudchadkar, and Wolpaw
Tuesday, February 4  
7:00 AM Dr. Tsen Finding Nemo: Neuraxial Techniques and Options for the "Difficult Back"
8:00 AM Dr. Hepner Perioperative Anticoagulation Management: What, When, and How?
4:30 PM Dr. Wolpaw Time to Get Personal: Optimizing the Vent for Your Patient
5:30 PM Dr. Stoner So... Your Who Prescribed What? Anesthesia and
Psychoactive Substances
6:30 PM Panel Discussion Drs. Tsen, Hepner, Stoner, and Wolpaw
Wednesday, February 5  
7:00 AM Dr. Kudchadkar Optimizing Rehabilitation After Anesthesia for Major Surgery: How Can We Help?
8:00 AM Dr. Wolpaw Common Perioperative Acidoses: Et Tu Bicarb?
4:30 PM Dr. Mahoney Medicine Should Be Different and You Can Still Make a Difference:
Tools to Help You Reconnect with Passion and Purpose                    
The Dr. Bill Smith Lecture Series Presentation
5:30 PM Dr. Tsen Clinical Conundrums in Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia
6:30 PM Panel Discussion Drs. Tsen, Kudchadkar, Mahoney, and Wolpaw
Thursday, February 6  
7:00 AM Dr. Hepner Perioperative Anaphylaxis: Now What?!
8:00 AM Dr. Kudchadkar Professional Social Media for the Anesthesia Provider: Nuts and Bolts
for Networking and Education
4:30 PM Dr. Wolpaw Evidence-Based Preoperative Assessment: You Might Not Have to
Cancel That Case Afterall
5:30 PM Dr. Kudchadkar Anesthesia and Neurocognitive Outcomes Across the Pediatric
Age Spectrum
6:30 PM Panel Discussion Drs. Tsen, Hepner, Kudchadkar, and Wolpaw
Friday, February 7  
7:00 AM Dr. Hepner Preoperative Lab and Assessment Testing: What is Necessary and Why
8:00 AM Dr. Tsen What Uterotonic Agents and Regimens Should Be Used for
Cesarean Delivery?
Saturday, February 8 Optional Travel Day

*Please note that the lecture topics and/or schedule may change if necessary.

Holiday Seminars does not accept any funds from commercial interests and no one involved in the planning or choice of presentations has any commercial interests.  All members of the faculty are evaluated in advance and in the opinion of Holiday Seminars have no commercial ties to ensure that the presentations are free from any bias from commercial interests.

Course Objectives

To review related physiology, pharmacology, agents and techniques that contribute to the art and science of anesthesiology. To discuss new agents, techniques, and controversies in the field, assisting the participant in preparing better patient care plans.

Lecture Objectives


  • Discuss the most common vasopressor medications that ICU patients are on and how to manage them in the OR.
  • Compare the pharmacologic labor and cesarean management of DPE, versus CSE and EPL techniques.
  • Explain how to safely manage cardiac stent patients in the perioperative period.
  • Discuss pharmacologic risk factors for emergence agitation in children, and review the current evidence for pharmacologic and nonpharma interventions for prevention and management of emergence agitation.
  • Discuss the changes that you could make to improve your practice as a result of attending the panel discussion.
  • Discuss what elements make neuraxial techniques more difficult, and examine labor analgesic options if neuraxial techniques cannot be placed.
  • List the common reasons for failure of the coagulation mechanisms.
  • Describe the evidence for personalized PEEP and Tidal Volume in the OR.
  • Outline how a history of marijuana use can affect the perioperative anesthetic management of patients, and list the pharmacologic changes recommended for these patients.
  • List the changes that you will make to your practice as a result of the suggestions presented in the Panel Discussion.
  • Define approaches to anesthesia care that optimize functional recovery for patients after major surgery.
  • Explain the effects of sodium bicarbonate on patient physiology.
  • List the tools recommended that you can implement to help reconnect with passion and purpose in your medical practice.
  • Review common clinical cases that present analgesia and anesthesia management issues, and discuss how risk- and evidence-based analyses can assist in decision making.
  • List the ideas discussed in the panel that will improve your clinical performance.
  • List the recommended drugs and their doses to treat allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.
  • Discuss how social media can be utilized professionally to enhance anesthesia careers.
  • Describe how to assess a patient's risk and what constitutes a valid reason for cancelling a case.
  • Review the latest evidence on the effects of anesthesia on neurocognitive outcomes in children.
  • Discuss the changes that you could make to improve your practice as a result of attending the panel discussion.
  • Discuss why specific labs are necessary preoperatively to help diagnose unidentified medical conditions in patients.
  • Identify optimal dosing regimens for oxytocin and alternative uterotonic agents during Cesarean delivery.